Hello, My Name is B.O.B.

Welcome to the Riverside Canoes blog. My name is B.O.B. and I’ll be here to give you the 411 on what’s happening at Riverside Canoes.

If you’ve visited Riverside in the past few years you may have seen me, hanging out near the bridge underneath the sign. I’ve got a great view of the storefront along M-22 and the lower Platte River as it passes underneath the bridge. In fact, that’s where my nickname came from: B.O.B., short for Bear on Bridge. I’m happy to pose in all your photos when you stop by for an ice cream or while you’re waiting to go down the river. I’ve been here for a few summers now and I became quite an observer of the people who stop by for a visit.

It’s amazing what you see and hear when you’re just sitting in the background. I overhear plenty of juicy gossip, fishing tips, job opportunities and community news. So I thought why not share some of my knowledge with you. When I get news that’s noteworthy I’ll post it right here for you to read and share.

Riverside Canoes has been around for over 50 years! So there’s lots of stories to tell. People love to come back and visit with their kids, and grandkids, and talk about the time they spent on the Lower Platte River. It’s a beautiful place, here in Benzie County. I hope you stop by for a visit. I’ll be watching for you.
